주식회사 누리아이티

정보자산의 보안강화를 위한 다계층 인증SW (BaroPAM) 전문기업.

▶ Tuxedo/기술자료

▶ XA 관련 작업

누리아이티 2012. 2. 23. 10:49

> chown -R tuxedo:dba tuxedo
> sqlplus /nolog
> conn / as sysdba
> sqlplus '/ as sysdba '
SQLDBA> grant all on v$xatrans$ to tuxedo;
SQLDBA> grant all on v$pending_xatrans$ to tuxedo;
SQLDBA> grant select on dba_pending_transactions to tuxedo;

$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin 에 View Table Script인 xaview.sql 유무 확인(8i)
$>svrmgrl                       # Oracle Server Manager에 Connection
svrmgrl> connect internal;
svrmgrl> @xaview.sql            # XA View Table 생성
svrmgrl> create user tuxedo identified by tuxedo;
svrmgrl> grant all on v$xatrans$ to tuxedo;
svrmgrl> grant connect, dba, resource to tuxedo;

> buildtms -v -r Oracle_XA -o TMS_ORA920                                      # 32 Bit
> CFLAGS="+DA2.0W +DS2.0" buildtms -v -r Oracle_XA -o TMS_ORA920              # 64 Bi