주식회사 누리아이티

정보자산의 보안강화를 위한 다계층 인증SW (BaroPAM) 전문기업.

▶ BaroSolution/가이드

BaroPAM Solution Installation Summary (FreeRADIUS)

누리아이티 2024. 1. 13. 14:17

Basic security must be thoroughly implemented first.

It appears that 85% of major infrastructure attacks occurred due to failure to maintain basic levels of security such as patches, 2nd authentication (additional authentication), and the principle of least privilege

To strengthen security, the order of applying 2nd authentication that supports a multi-layer authentication system is first the operating system (OS), second the administrator account or management console, and third the general user account.


80-90% of breaches, including Ransomware, are related to remote access.
Among security solutions, the first priority to be introduced is a solution that can block bypass and remote access.
Most attacks can be prevented by simply following basic security policies.