주식회사 누리아이티

정보자산의 보안강화를 위한 다계층 인증SW (BaroPAM) 전문기업.

▶ Tuxedo/오류 메시지(Tuxedo)

Tuxedo 설치시 /tmp 디스크 공간이 부족할 경우

누리아이티 2010. 7. 22. 18:01

현상 : # sh tuxedo81_aix52_64.bin -i console
       Preparing to install...

       WARNING! The amount of /tmp disk space required to perform
       this installation is greater than what is available.  Please
       free up at least 43581 kilobytes in /tmp and attempt this
       installation again.  You may also set the IATEMPDIR environment
       variable to a directory on a disk partition with enough free
       disk space.  To set the variable enter one of the following
       commands at the UNIX command line prompt before running this
       installer again:

       - for Bourne shell (sh), ksh, bash and zsh:

            $ IATEMPDIR=/your/free/space/directory
            $ export IATEMPDIR

       - for C shell (csh) and tcsh:

            $ setenv IATEMPDIR /your/free/space/directory

원인 : Tuxedo 설치시 Temp 영역이 부족한 경우에 발생.