There may be cases where the device information of the Android phone cannot be obtained and the screen does not move to the "one-time authentication key" creation screen when the login information item is selected to generate a secondary authentication key (one-time authentication key) on the "List of login information" screen.
In addition, in order to prevent unauthorized use of other people's phone numbers, it is necessary to apply a separate identity verification function. In the "BaroPAM" app, its own algorithm is applied and the identity verification procedure is executed as follows.
Unlike Android phones, the iPhone cannot obtain device information due to its own security, so it is necessary to apply a separate identity verification function to prevent unauthorized use of other people's phone numbers only in the case of iPhone. The "BaroPAM" app uses its own algorithm. By applying, the identity verification process is carried out as follows.
1. In "List of application information", click the application login information item to generate a secondary authentication key (one-time authentication key).
2. If you have not performed the identification process, the following screen for identification appears.
3. Enter the iPhone's phone number as a number and click the "Confirm Yourself" button.
If you click the "Confirm Yourself" button, you first check the validity of the input items and then proceed with the verification work for your phone number.
If the phone number is less than 10 digits, the message "Please enter more than 10 digits of phone number." appears on the screen.
4. When it is completed normally, the OTP is generated by an internal algorithm to check whether it is the user's phone number, and then click the "Send SMS" button on the next screen to transmit the generated OTP to the input phone number.
If you enter someone else's phone number, you may be punished for illegal use.
5. Then, the OTP sent by SMS is displayed on the keyboard at the bottom as follows.
If you click the OTP displayed on the keyboard, the internal OTP verification module proceeds to store the phone number after verification.
If the OTP is not displayed on the keyboard like the screen above, be sure to set up a more convenient password auto-completion function from iOS12 (Go to iPhone's "Settings" -> "Passwords" -> "AutoFill Passwords" -> "Allow") Confirmation should be done.
If you enter OTP directly without sending SMS, "To verify your identity, you must send an SMS message." or "To enter the authentication number, you must select the authentication number in [From Message] received by SMS on the numeric keypad at the bottom of the phone." appears on the screen.
6. If the identity verification process fails, the following message appears on the screen, and the identity verification process must be performed again.
7. If the OTP input time exceeds 10 seconds during the identity verification process, the following message appears on the screen, and the identity verification process must be performed again.
Reference) Frequently occurring phenomena and actions
Symptom: In case of iPhone Verification code (\n 123456 in the message) is not displayed on the keypad when verifying the identity after installing the "BaroPAM" app
Cause: The iPhone's "password auto-complete" function is not set.
Action: After installing the "BaroPAM" app, be sure to set up a more convenient password auto-completion function from iOS12.
(Go to iPhone's "Settings" -> "Passwords" -> "AutoFill Passwords" -> "Allow")
Symptom: If the date and time of the Android phone or iPhone is different from the current time and the "one-time authentication key" is not correct
Cause: It occurs because the date and time of the Android phone or iPhone are not using the time provided by the network.
Action: For Android phone, "Settings" -> "General management" -> "Date & Time" -> "Date & Auto Set" and "Time Zone Auto Set" -> "Allow"
For iPhone, "Settings" -> "Date & Time" -> "Automatically set" -> "Allow" of the phone.
Symptom: When a message is sent to a specific type of phone number, it can be sent but not received
If you can't send a message from your iPhone to your phone number
Cause: IPhone Settings Problems Related to Messages
Action: Solved after rebooting iPhone
First of all, please check the following to check if messages cannot be sent to your iPhone.
1. Settings-in the message
-Check if iMessage is active
-If iMessage is activated, check if your phone number is registered in sending and receiving
-Check if Send by SMS is enabled
-Confirm MMS message activation in SMS/MMS field
-Check if your phone number is registered in the blocked contacts in the SMS/MMS column, and if it is, remove it.
-Enabling notification in the mansion column
2. Try sending a new message to your iPhone number directly from the iPhone's Messages app.
-If the transmission does not work at all
-If transmission is possible but not reception
If not in the above case
If someone sends a message to your phone number and receives it normally, check the following URL for each case.
>> If you can't send or receive messages on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
>> 'Why is my iPhone not sending messages?': How to troubleshoot iPhone messaging issues
>> Setting up text message forwarding
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